Establishing Routines| How to establish a good morning routine

Taylor Mashburn
3 min readDec 1, 2021

Establishing routines is something that everyone needs and only half of us succeed at doing.

With a good routine you can do more for yourself than you thought before. Your mornings are more meaningful and you just get more done during the day.

But how can you establish a routine when your days are always all over the place?

Here’s a few tricks I’ve learned over the last 60 days that I’ve been sticking to that have helped me establish a great routine.

Tip #1 Be Realistic with Yourself

When making your daily routine make sure you are being realistic on how your day should go. Your mornings should have a few things that get you up and ready to go, and your nights should equally be relaxed.

Don’t load too much on your TODO list’s because you’ll never get anything done.

Maybe set up 2–3 things you need to get done in the morning to help wake yourself up. My morning routine consists of positive affirmations, tarot reading, and a hot shower to wake me up. I like to start the day with good positive vibes so that way I have an amazing day.

Tip #2 Don’t Punish Yourself

If one day you suck at your routine, don’t worry, there’s always tomorrow. You shouldn’t punish yourself, instead try to revert yourself back to the task or tasks you missed. For instance, if you forgot to meditate and you’ve got a lot of stressful things happen, maybe take an extra break and get that meditation in. You can then go back to whatever you were doing before and hopefully be able to tackle it again with good spirits.

Tip #3 Set Alarms for Everything

I have alarms on my phone for everything. I cannot rely on myself to keep a biological clock of things so instead I set an alarm for everything. I also keep a digital and a paper planner/calendar of all my events so that way I am double prepared.

Tip #4 Get motivated

The best way to get yourself started on a new routine is to go out and find inspiration. There are a ton of youtubers who have their daily routines vlogged and there’s even books out there that document these as well. Find you some inspiration and get yourself motivated to make a daily routine.

Tip #5 Stick to It & Adjust When Needed.

My last tip for you is to just stick with it. I read somewhere that it takes 21 days to form a habit. So if you think about it, since it’s the 1st of December, by Christmas you’d have your routine down packed. You can makes adjustments here and there but after 21 days you’ll be so used to it you’ll probably turn off some of those silly alarm reminders and you’ll be easy breezy.

If you like what you read here check out my website: I have a blog where I am a lot my active on and you can even contact me there for a chit chat if you want.

Thanks for reading!

